The Moon

The full Moon undresses me –

stepping into her light though dropping off the edge of the cliff


a luminous grotto,

I fall out of my pink flesh velvet realm and slip into a grey scale gown;

Revolving in circles among the posidonia and the milfoils, propelling deeper


the water cosmos of the unknown, waltzing with the dolphins;



the waves are breaking


the rocky backdrop, seagulls dropping down in an existential skreigh,

hunting for the silvery flesh

of washed up fish, to regale and satisfy the rage of their hunger on;

the sky beasts praying

on the mermaids sleeping in the nests weaved of the water’s silky branches, blankets of sapphire spread to tuck in the hidden pearls and gems

beneath them;

The sacred contemplating eye

of Grandmother Moon,

observing the the mystery unraveling

in the Nightwalker’s dancing prayer

as he descends from the sky

leaving stardust trails behind;

Down the trail,

sails a vessel of solid oak

enchanted with the spell of oath, champagne gold bubbles foaming below the ribcage of the ship as she slices the silky waves in two


the past from

the future;

The singing of the sailors travels

and narrows to a subtle hum settling

in the underwater realm as a hymn

to the oneness of existence,

a beacon of wisdom within

the miles of dark silent abyss.

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